
Our most recent Break the Cycle Conference 12 March 2022

Our fourth Break The Cycle Conference on 12 March 2022 was entitled 鈥淲e Shall Overcome鈥 and was inspired by the song that became the anthem of the Civil Rights campaigners in the 1950s and 60s as they battled against racial inequality. Baroness Valerie Amos led our debate on the next steps required for eradicating inequality in and through education. Click here to watch recordings of the event.

Break the Cycle is a national grassroots movement, hosted by the 香港六合彩精准资料 charity, aimed at tackling the current massive under-representation of Black and Asian heritage leaders in education by promoting African, Caribbean and Asian leadership across education and youth work in the UK. Below you can find more about the aims and achievements of Break The Cycle as well as video resources from previous conferences.

Our objectives

In 2019 香港六合彩精准资料 convened Break the Cycle, a national grassroots movement committed to promoting Black and Global Majority leadership across education and youth work in the UK.

The Break the Cycle Manifesto is an action plan for all schools and their communities as we work to challenge and change the cultures that hold back the next generation of Black and Global Majority leadership.

The numbers speak for themselves

鈥榃hat we cannot imagine cannot come into being鈥, says feminist author bell hooks. Which is why Break The Cycle is working hard to ensure Black and Global Majority students have appropriate role models at school.
% of BAME pupils in UK schools
% of BAME teachers in UK schools
No. of BAME head teachers/principals

Under-representation of Black and Global Majority leaders

The current massive under-representation of Black and Global Majority leaders within children and young people鈥檚 work  – especially at senior levels – fails all our children and teachers as well as our whole society. This must change in order to:

  • Tackle racism in and beyond our schools
  • Encourage Black and Global Majority students to aspire to the highest levels of leadership
  • Address the unconscious bias that 鈥榣eadership is white鈥

The Break the Cycle movement is supported by a Manifesto and an Action Plan for local communities. These are designed to help individual schools and our ‘local task groups’ challenge and change the cultures that hold back the next generation of Black and Global Majority leadership.

Resources from 7 November 2020 conference

Title Date Link
Key speaker: Marvin Rees Mayor of Bristol November 10, 2020
Key Speaker: Prof. Kevin Fenton, Director of Public Health. London November 10, 2020
Dr Gabriella Beckles-Raymond, strategic consultant, Transforming teacher training November 10, 2020
Mandy Coalter, Recruiting and retaining teachers from BAME backgrounds November 10, 2020
Dwain Brandy, How to tackle racism in schools November 10, 2020
Question and Answer session November 10, 2020
'Tired' a dance poem by Analeise August November 7, 2020
Dwain Brandy, Plan of Best Practice for schools November 5, 2020See download
Dwain Brandy's blog 'Leading Equality' November 7, 2020
Dr Beckles-Raymond, Towards Transformational ITT November 5, 2020See download
Joy Madeiros and Dr David Bailey, Change ITT response to Dr Beckles-Raymond's paper November 5, 2020See download
Mandy Coalter, Making Schools Great Places to Work November 7, 2020See download
Mandy Coalter, Talent Architects November 7, 2020
Famous Scientists November 7, 2020See Powerpoint
Famous Female Scientists November 7, 2020See Powerpoint
Famous World Scientists November 7, 2020See Powerpoint
Famous BAME Scientists November 7, 2020See Powerpoint
Famous Salford Scientists November 7, 2020See Powerpoint

Resources from 18 July 2020 conference

Use the links below for further information and resources.

Title Date Link
Break the Cycle Manifesto October 26, 2020See download
How to set up a local action plan October 26, 2020See download
Break The Cycle logo and descriptor October 26, 2020See download
Steve Chalke’s article: ‘How a Racist Education Produces a Racist Culture’ in the Times Educational Supplement July 18, 2020
Tessy Ojo, CEO Diana Awards, My Story July 18, 2020
Dwain Brandy, De-colonising the Curriculum July 18, 2020
Lord Michael Hastings, I Can't Breathe July 18, 2020
Prof. Robert Beckford, How a Racist Education Produces a Racist Culture July 18, 2020

Change is already underway

The Break the Cycle Manifesto produced by the 2019 conference is an action plan for all schools – primary and secondary – committed to challenging and changing the cultures and systems that hold back the next generation of Black and Global Majority leadership.

Since the first Break the Cycle conference in 2019, local groups have been meeting in schools, tackling conscious and unconscious race inequality in school infrastructures and practices 鈥 from recruitment to leadership training.

Within 香港六合彩精准资料, progress is being made thanks in part to the impact of Break the Cycle. In the last twelve months, five leaders of African, Caribbean and Asian heritage have been appointed to principal, associate principal, and deputy principal positions. The proportion of Black and Global Majority participants on 香港六合彩精准资料’s annual National Professional Qualification for Headteachers course has increased by thirty-six percentage points.