
Manifesto for Hope Book Launch鈥淚f you鈥檙e not at the table, you're on the menu.鈥


Tuesday 26th September was the official launch of 香港六合彩精准资料 founder Steve Chalke鈥檚 latest book, 鈥楢 Manifesto for Hope鈥. Julie Siddiqi MBE hosted the event at 香港六合彩精准资料 Hub Waterloo.

Conversation ranged from the shortcomings of Western education, current developments in neuroscience research, the 21st century as the era of 鈥榤ental health鈥, and therapeutic approaches to education. The launch also explored some of the key principles in the book including 鈥淎n ounce of practice is worth a ton of theory鈥 (Principle 1) and 鈥淲ithout a vision the people perish鈥 (Principle 4). One of the key themes running throughout the book is that vision and experience are more important than strategy and theory when it comes to long-term community transformation work.

One of the longest discussions during the Q&A centred on the quote 鈥渋f you鈥檙e not at the table, you’re on the menu鈥. In many ways this summed up the message of the evening; the true and lasting transformation that our society needs will only come when local people have a seat at the political table. When local people are able to contribute to decision-making and policy formation rather than a handful of political elites.

It was an evening of great hope as we dreamed together about what could happen if we put into practice the principles that Steve outlines in the book. If you want to dream with us, buy your copy of A Manifesto for Hope here!

Thank you to Nigel Martin for the photos!